Wednesday, March 26, 2008

hillary's long nose

so my friend loren yesterday tells me about hillary's big whopper. i found it hard to believe hillary had told such a blatant whopping lie and then covered it up saying "that's how i remembered it."

are people actually excusing this?

it became clear to me long before march that hillary would not get my vote. she represents old thinking.

but this. for this she should drop out of the race.

"All Things Considered, March 25, 2008 · Sen. Hillary Clinton's (D-NY) 1996 trip to Bosnia has come under scrutiny. Clinton said last week that, as first lady, she flew into an air base in Bosnia "under sniper fire," citing the visit as evidence of her foreign policy experience. Now she says she misspoke with regard to the risks she faced on the trip."

she says she misspoke, but she's misspeaking. she lied. she intentionally told an untruth.

i mean i realize it was 12 years ago, but seriously. her apology for her "minor blip" sucked. and really, mistaking an escape fromrapid gunfire for a casual stroll is not a blip. she says that she speaks a million words a day, how many more of those words are total lies?

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