The changes so far are exciting, but it is still a little dark in there. Cutting the doorway between the sunroom and living area helped out significantly. Thomas and Loren did that a few weeks ago. Loren found an arched doorway to install. It came from the Bass mansion. It's lovely.

Thomas, Loren, and I took out a rocky stepping stone path from the driveway to the front walk a couple of weeks ago. It took a couple of hours...the soil is not a team player here.

Thomas and Loren also cut the hole for the refrigerator a couple of weeks ago, and new plumbing was installed for the washer and dryer in the garage.

Loren has started to layout the bricks in a herringbone pattern in the backyard for a patio using the bricks we got from evening heists on Parry Avenue. They are beautiful, solid, turn-of-the-century bricks.

The front bedroom and living area have been stripped to the studs and insulation and new drywall will be installed this week.

I scraped grout in the bathroom yesterday for a couple of hours. All my efforts only scraped the first layer. It is a little bit disgusting really. The house sat empty for three years, there's all kinds of dust and grime to find and clear out.

that's before

and this is after. still alot to do....
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